Saturday, October 31, 2020

The View from Here

Lighted Tree, October 2020
Taste of Texas, Houston

Starry branches draw
intricate patterns above
where leaves become lace

Friday, October 30, 2020

To Be a Beginner


Watercolor, October 2020

Start right where you are 
you can trust the colors and
you can trust yourself

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Calendar Days

Kitchen still life, October 2020
featuring Blue Horse by Franz Marc, 1911(Germany)


Turn the page with me
and glimpse a world alive with

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Work of Love

                                                            Strawflowers, October 2020

As the days go by
may I be fully transformed
by the work of love

As the days go by
may you be fully transformed 
by the work of love

As the days go by 
may ________ be fully transformed
by the work of love

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Nandina at Fair Haven UMC, October 2020

I saw it today,
the tenderness of new growth
and my heart lifted

Monday, October 26, 2020

In Every Hour

Sweet William, October 2020

In every hour
may my whispered thanksgiving
find its way to you

Sunday, October 25, 2020

How Far We've Come

Lost Maples State Natural Area, October 2020

I know the blessing
of being carried by grace
across the distance

May you know it too.

Lost Maples State Natural Area, October 2020


Saturday, October 24, 2020


Lost Maples State Natural Area, October 2020


Our healing might take
a very different form than
we first expected 

Our healing might take
a more beautiful form than
we first imagined

Friday, October 23, 2020

A Resting Place

Lost Maples State Natural Area, October 2020

Choose a resting place
look through the tangled arbor 
and find refreshment

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Where Are We?

Lost Maples State Natural Area, October 2020


We've been brought into
an extraordinary field
of sunlit wonder

*Our trail took us through clouds of migrating snout nosed butterflies who gathered on yarrow flowers. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Early Autumn Walk

Lost Maples State Natural Area, October 2020


                                              Who would you most like to meet here?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


Lost Maples State Natural Area, October 2020

 There is a stillness
rarely ruffled by the wind
flowing under all

Monday, October 19, 2020


Lost Maples, October 2020

A long hike ahead
and we've stopped to watch the bees
gather goldenrod

Lost Maples, October 2020

*Photo credit: Karly Anderson. We had just passed the trailhead for our hike at Lost Maples when we noticed the bees collecting pollen from the goldenrod. We stopped for several minutes to watch them and Karly captured some great photos with the macro setting of our camera. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Blessing for a Beginning

Lost Maples State Natural Area, October 2020


                            Bless my body with strength to follow the chosen path.
                            Bless my heart to swing open towards those I meet along the way.
                            Bless my senses with sights and sounds, textures and tastes.
                            Bless my soul and the secret work of God therein.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


Leaf in the Window, October 2020


Autumn nestles in
forgotten corners, stirring
the air around her

Friday, October 16, 2020

Morning Prayer

Metal Heart (made in India), October 2020


Will you let me read
what's been written on my heart
from the beginning?

* The first line of this Haiku was almost, "May I decipher" - but I opted for the simple and plain, "Will you let me read." I like the nuance of decipher - the process of decoding and interpreting - which is appealing. But my heart responded more to the simple phrase. I also used the terms read and written and recalled their connection to how we interact with a religious icon. Even though it's an image (not words), the artist writes the icon and we read the icon and we are read by the icon. This metal heart has an icon quality for me. I imagine what has been written on my heart - and what hasn't been written just yet. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Sign and Symbol

Mailbox in my Neighborhood, October 2020

Our way is marked by 
appointed signs and symbols 
all along the path

Mailbox Detail, October 2020


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

May We Come to Know

Red Zinnia, October 2020

May we come to know 
the way of bold, selfless love
given and received

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Hello Up There

Red Bellied Woodpecker, October 2020


Morning work begins
he hunts for bugs, I pull weeds
in our shared garden

Monday, October 12, 2020

Lean In

Pink Turk's Cap on the Back Fence, October 2020

Said the fence, "Lean in -
you can bloom all on your own -
but you don't have to"


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Blessing

Cone Flowers at a nearby garden center, October 2020

May we recognize love when it comes our way.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Golden Hour

Sunset, October 2020

Golden hour hues
partner up for tonight's dance
above the tree tops


Friday, October 9, 2020

Tend and Befriend

Orange Zinnia, October 2020

Welcome to nightfall
she tends gathering shadows
I follow her lead

* I stepped out on the porch earlier this week and saw a zinnia under the landscape light. It was so transformed by the night - radiant. I felt like I saw it more fully. I call to mind loved ones who have shared their shadow-side and see them more fully, and they become more beautiful. It encourages me to befriend my own shadows. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Patterned for Joy

Fabric from a nearby store, October 2020

Wherever they go
whatever they might become
may it be for joy

Wherever ________  goes
whatever ________ might become
may it be for joy

Fabric from a nearby store, October 2020

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A Closer Look

Bengal Clock Vine, October 2020

There is a beauty
that makes us pull off the road
for a closer look

* It's true. My husband I were running errands and I saw a fence covered with this beautiful vine. We pulled over so I could stop for a moment and see it up close.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Fresh this morning

Plumeria, October 2020
(the flowers used in Hawaiian leis)

Let me savor the
fragrance of distant islands
a world not yet seen

Monday, October 5, 2020

Morning Light

Turk's Cap, October 2020

Welcome October
welcome lambent morning light
welcome autumn air

lambent [ lam-buhnt ]
1. running or moving lightly over a surface
2. dealing lightly and gracefully with a subject; brilliantly playful
3. softly bright or radiant

Sunday, October 4, 2020


African Daisy, October 2020

She has made her home
among stones and fallen leaves
they all live in peace

* Not just a pretty flower. 
When I saw this African Daisy in  my neighbor's garden, I was drawn by how striking the white petals were against the dark background. I opened the photo this morning and my first thought was to crop out the background to have only the flower squared off. When I did that, I really missed the background - it felt like the background of stone and leaves and dirt was just as important as the perfect daisy. As I kept listening and pondering - I begin to see the connection and harmony between all of the elements. The garden stone is unchanging - or at least would require a lot of effort to move - and there are aspects of my life that are like that stone, unchanging. The fallen leaves that have collected are what used to be alive, and now play an important role in keeping the soil damp and nourished. I have my own fallen leaves - things that are not alive the way they used to be - but are still an important part of the whole. Lastly, the daisy - she is blooming right now, in this present moment. And in my life there is the vibrancy of this present moment - what is alive and blooming today. All three of these elements - stone, leaves, flower, are integrated in my neighbor's garden - there is room for them all and they each are an important part of the whole. And the same is true in my life - elements that seem unrelated are actually very connected and my invitation today is to hold them all with love. 


Saturday, October 3, 2020



Four o' Clocks, October 2020

Listen with your heart
joy may arrive unannounced
on this very day

Friday, October 2, 2020

One Last Look

Gulf Fritillary on Turk's Cap, September 2020

One last look - she hears
the music of migration
her wings know the way

Thursday, October 1, 2020


Mid-Day Art, September 2020


    Bless the books that find us at the right time.

    Bless the books that live on our shelves and become like friends we visit over and again.

    Bless the writers who dare to labor and give birth to their books. 

    Bless the watercolor palette with its limitless possibilities. 

    Bless the pencil that allows vision to take shape and be re-shaped.

    Bless the open and waiting paper.

    Bless the favorite brush that arcs and fills, both faint and full.

    Bless the table that holds everything before me.

    Bless the chair that holds the weight of me - body, mind, heart & soul.

    Bless my hands as they learn a new dance across the page.

    Bless God the Artist

           Maker of the Colors, Maker of the Hours, Maker of us All.

* This blessing is inspired by an invitation in In The Artist's Rule: nurturing your creative soul with monastic wisdom.  Christine Valters Paintner asks readers to consider writing a blessing for creative work and the sacred tools of creating.