Thursday, December 31, 2020

For Karly

Purple Amaranthus, December 2020


It seems that her life 
can flourish in so many
dazzling directions

*I wrote this with my daughter in mind as she begins her last semester of college in a few weeks. Another season of motherhood begins. The photo is from an evening walk where we both noticed this every-which-way plant. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Joy of Life

Lunch Date, December 2020

Oh imperfect life,
you defy expectations
and what joy you bring!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Evening Walk, December 2020

Lovely is the light
that shines on dark wintry nights
to welcome us home

Monday, December 28, 2020


Christmas Cactus, December 2020

In late December,
recall your many prayers and
offer thanksgiving

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Tin Nativity made in Mexico, December 2020


Do not be afraid
it's okay to get closer
and stay for awhile

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Praying for those who sit in darkness

Altar Parament, December 2020
Fair Haven UMC, Houston

Send your messenger
to those who sit in darkness
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger
to those cloaked in depression
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger 
to those who know loneliness
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger
to those locked in addiction
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger
to those who can't find their way
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger
to those who don't know their worth
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger 
to those who long for healing
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger
to those grieving a great loss
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger 
to all those who hate themselves
O Lord, hear our prayer

Send your messenger
bearing the fullness of love
O Lord, hear our prayer

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day

Driftwood Nativity, December 2020

Come in quietly
when you find the inn too full
come in and meet love

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve

Christmas Cactus, December 2020

Welcome Christmas Eve,
prophesies and promises 
come to bloom once more

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

What She Sees

Pansies, December 2020


My friend sees the light
at the center of darkness
now I see it too

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Gift

Special Delivery, December 2020


Something wonderful 
arrives with your name inscribed
unwrap it with joy

Monday, December 21, 2020


Zebra Plant, December 2020


May our days be marked
by the beautiful patterns
of mercy and grace

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 2020
"Mother Mary" artist unknown


Her eternal gift,
unwavering trust in God's
promise of mercy

Saturday, December 19, 2020


Yaupon Holly, December 2020

I'm learning their names,
the trees in my neighborhood,
they learn my name too


Friday, December 18, 2020

On my Birthday


Destin Florida, Summer 2020

Joy is at sea side
and having your picture made
by the one you love

Joy is also here
as I welcome fifty two 
in the tide of love

Thursday, December 17, 2020


Afternoon Walk, December 2020


Branches reach their arms
with whimsical delight through
sleeves of shining gold

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Once More

Leaf Friends, December 2020


Let's sit together,
share once more the story of
the branch that holds us

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Crossing the Field

Afternoon Walk, December 2020


Your beauty blazes
I cross the field for you, and
I'll do it again

* I saw this tree from about a quarter mile away and left the walking trail to get a closer look. It's the brightest tree in the mostly open field. There is a feeling when we want to get closer - to a tree, or to a person and we become willing to cross the distance. I think of those I love and how I am willing to cross the distance time and again to be close. And I think of those who love me and cross the distance as well. A beautiful mystery, to move towards each other in love. God does it so well, always crossing the field towards us and with us. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

A Blessing

Christmas Tree, December 2020

May soft light shine to
set our morning prayers aglow
on this winter's day

Sunday, December 13, 2020

On to Bethlehem

Third Sunday of Advent, December 2020
Art by Jane Ray in La Historia de Navidad

On to Bethlehem
in the company of God
and the warmth of love

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Through the Leaves

 Orange Tree, December 2020

Just within our reach
the promise of refreshment
peeking through the leaves

Friday, December 11, 2020

All that is yet to bloom

Azalea, December 2020
Fair Haven UMC, Houston

 Lead me to silence
where all that is yet to bloom
is held in your care

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Work of Love

Watercolor, December 2020


Fragments, slivers, seeds
create their own mosaic
it's my heart, of course

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Fence Line, December 2020

Leaves compose the prayer,
wind whispers it verse by verse
the ground sighs amen


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Changed and Still Changing

 Late Autumn Leaves, December 2020


A carefree cascade,
curtain of russet and gold
changed and still changing

Monday, December 7, 2020


Zinnia, December 2020

Scrawny wayward bloom
rouses the resting garden
embrace this fresh joy

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Hear the Good News

Angel in the Window, December 2020

Today is the day
open your heart to receive
Love's proclamation


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Morning Light

Winter Sky, December 2020


Morning light beckons
birds call to one another
will I find my song?

Friday, December 4, 2020

Speak to me of Advent

Advent Collage, December 2020


Speak to me of Advent.

Speak to me of the messenger being overtaken by the message.

Speak to me of living in darkness and being caught off guard.

Speak to me of recovering a lost song.

Speak to me of outward peace and inward vigilance.

Speak to me me of stepping beyond the domesticated and into the windblown world.

            Speak to me. By grace, I listen.

About the art: (clockwise) The Sense of Sight by Annie Louisa Swynnerton, Woman in an Interior by Vilhelm Hammershoi, Guitar on a Table by Juan Gris, Two Cats by Theophile Alexandre Steinlen, and Surprise! by Henri J.F. Rousseau 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Written in the Sky

Clouds, December 2020

December sky holds
a dove in billowy clouds,
 peace soars overhead

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Afternoon Vigil

Egret, December 2020

He's keeping vigil,
seeing though sky splashed waters
beyond the surface

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Figs, December 2020


Slow-ripening gift
a delicate, fragrant feast 
each spoonful savored