Sunday, January 31, 2021

Wading Together

Egret Family, January 2021

Wading together
we leave the shoreline and go
where mysteries swim

* This is one of 2 egret families I've spotted in our neighborhood over the last few weeks. One parent stands in the middle of the young ones, who are learning to fish. The other parent stands at a further distance, watching over the group. They seem undisturbed by people walking the trail. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Every Windblown Mercy

Feather caught in tall grass, January 2021

Learn to walk slowly
catch every windblown mercy
that lands in your heart

Friday, January 29, 2021

What I'm Reading

The Book Stack, January 2021

Sink into the chair
light the lamp and brew the tea
welcome words and worlds


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Winter Guest

Paperwhites, January 2021

Welcome paperwhite
you brighten winter's landscape
without and within

* The paperwhites always catch me by surprise. For a long time, there is just a clump of dark green grass - and the last few days they have sent up stems and started to open up. I think of how winter feels on the inside too - as a season of the soul. And how gifts arrive to brighten our inner landscape - they come by grace.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Looks like Love

Winter Vines, January 2021

Looks to me like Love
found a place that needed Love
and started to grow


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Morning Prayer

Warmth, January 2021

Before morning light,
kindle your spirit in me
O Lord, hear my prayer


Monday, January 25, 2021


Vines on the Fence, January 2021


Do not rush to spring,
winter has her lessons with
seeds still on the vine

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Blessing from the Open Field

As it is in Heaven, January 2021
Brenham, Texas

                            May you find in your heart a spaciousness wonder.
                            May you find in your heart a reflection of heaven.
                            May you find in your heart the boundless blue of possibility.
                            May you find in your heart a trustworthy horizon.
                            May you find in your heart a faithful moon.
                            May you find in your heart a welling of praise.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Let Yourself Be Here

Golden Hour, January 2021
Brenham, Texas

Let yourself be here
in quiet contemplation
where straw becomes gold

Friday, January 22, 2021

Where Pink and Yellow Sing

Horse Nettle Berries (yellow) & Beautyberries (pink)
Brenham, January 2021

Pink and yellow sing
through washed shades of dove and deer,
their bright winter song

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Eye to Eye

Buck at Sunset, January 2021
Brenham, Texas


We gazed eye to eye
instinctive caution rippled 
and then, strange kinship

* I was returning from a walk in the woods when I came upon this beautiful buck at the feeder. We stared face to face for several minutes. He startled once and ran, but slowly made his way back. We were in each other's presence for almost an hour - waiting each other out and curious. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Something Bright and Precious

Royal Bayrueth Pitcher (Bavaria),  January 2021
Brenham, Texas


Tell me the story,
how something bright and precious
found its way to you

* This pitcher sits on a shelf in a friend's ranch house. I have often wondered about the story behind it. I love to hear stories about how people receive things that are precious to them. Did it get passed down through the family? Was it uncovered in a local antique shop? Was it a gift for a special occasion? Is it someone's favorite color or favorite flower? 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Reflection, January 2021
Brenham, Texas

Step into stillness
the trees will show you how to
rest in reflection

Step into stillness
the pond will show you how to
rest in reflection

Step into stillness
the sky will show you how to 
rest in reflection 

Rest in reflection
no need to be other than
who you really are

Monday, January 18, 2021

And There Was Evening

Evening Light, January 2021
Brenham, Texas

Gentle amber gold
covers the winter prairie,
her garment of praise

Sunday, January 17, 2021


Napping Squirrel, January 2021

Blessed Sabbath day
curl into your resting place,
the spot carved by love

Squirrels in the Oak Tree, January 2021

*I saw the first squirrel during breakfast when I looked up through the window. He was curled up and napping in the sun. When I picked up the camera and walked outside, I saw the other squirrels on a higher branch. They only blinked at me a few times, but didn't run away. I love that the tree shelters them in secure comfort and peace. They are probably full from the birdseed pilfered from the feeders in the backyard.  

Saturday, January 16, 2021


Red-tipped Photinia, January 2021

Not twins, but sisters
 warmed by winter sun, shining
with marbled beauty

Friday, January 15, 2021


Mexican Heather, January 2021

 Delicate blossoms
fringe around the sunlit edge
of a new morning

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Carnations on the windowsill, January 2020


Always within reach
a small bouquet of goodness 
enough for today

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

January's Gift

Camilla, January 2020

January's gift
even in winter gardens
bursting joy abides

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Gruene River Bridge, January 2021

Wandering this place
feels like a longed-for visit
with a treasured friend

Monday, January 11, 2021


Gruene Mansion Inn, January 2021

Pause before you knock, 
trust that goodness awaits you
on the other side

Sunday, January 10, 2021

A Moment

Gruene Mansion Inn, January 2021


Your light falls and fills
this hidden moment before
reaching open air

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Holy Ground

Comal River, January 2021
Gruene, Texas

 There are places where
heart and soul may be woven
together again

Friday, January 8, 2021

A Prayer for Finding

Gruene Mansion Inn, January 2021


I pray you will find
the door intended for you,
the one with your name

* I am recalling the many doors I have discovered and walked through over the years. Doors leading into places, relationships, work, experiences, opportunities, lessons. Did I find all the doors meant for me? I can't know for sure, but I am grateful for all the doors I found and entered in. It feels like there are fewer doors now, but I've got a handful of keys in my pocket. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021


Gruene Mansion Inn, January 2021


As the darkness grows
we need stars to guide the way
Lord, let there be stars

* Yesterday, a mob stormed the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. It feels like much has been lost from public life - consideration, good sense, valuing the common good and our common life together. And yet, much goodness is present in my local community. Prayers for mercy and repair for our country and beyond. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Epiphany 2021
artwork by Esben Hanefelt Kristensen

Let's be on our way
to meet the one who meets us
with unfailing love

*The title is a traditional house blessing written in chalk on Epiphany. To learn more, click here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Guadalupe River, January 2021
Gruene, Texas


Who would you most like to meet here?

Monday, January 4, 2021


Panda Plant, January 2021
(Kalanchoe Tomentosa)

Soft morning light falls
on silvery green, bringing 
the fullness of peace

Sunday, January 3, 2021


Unwrapped, January 2020

The gifts are given
tug the ribbon, peek inside
there's something for you

The gifts are given
everyday, ordinary
in the here and now

The gifts are given,
share something of yourself to
join the great exchange

Saturday, January 2, 2021


Full Moon, Winter 2020


Above winter clouds
framed by still silhouettes, shines
luminous beauty

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Blessing

Frog Prince, Winter 2020
Houston Zoo

In the coming year, may you catch all the goodness coming your way.

In the coming year, may what you most desire come into view.

In the coming year, may you be drawn into delightful play.

In the coming year, may you be open to new wonders. 

In the coming year, may you be transformed more and more into who you were made to be.