Wednesday, June 29, 2022

There is a time

Watercolor, June 2022

                                There is a time for containing,
                                        and a time for pouring.
                                There is a time for restraint,
                                       and a time for generosity.
                                There is a time for measuring, 
                                        and a time for making your best guess.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Through the window

Street Art, June 2022
Georgetown, Texas


I consider days,
counting blessings that arrive
without and within

Monday, June 27, 2022

Listening In

Our Lady, June 2022
Congress Avenue, Austin


The street musician
plays his heart out for tips while
you listen in love

* On a busy street corner in Austin, Texas, just across from this mural, a man played the trombone beautifully and with great enthusiasm. I imagined that Our Lady was listening in.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Boldness Blooms

Pride of Barbados, June 2022

fiery boldness blooms and
I can't look away

* What actually catches my eye in this photo is the serene, silvery green background. What a contrast to the bright flowers. I love the idea that when these red-orange petals fall, they will come to rest in the soft green. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

And Dance

Vintage Elephant Planter, June 2022
Austin, Texas


Take a step in joy
raise your voice above the dust
let your eyes stay bright

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

This very moment

Pink Turk's Cap wreath in Antique Printer's Drawer, June 2022

The blush of summer
encircles you with goodness
this very moment

Monday, June 20, 2022

Texan Crescent Butterfly

Texan Crescent Butterfly, June 2022


I walk in the backyard garden every morning to water the plants and scatter birdseed. Today I saw this small butterfly fluttering through the shrimp plant. I've never seen a crescent butterfly up close before and it was so exciting to watch her for several minutes. I continue to be amazed that we can be in a familiar place and see something for the first time. It's a great encouragement to pay attention where we are and notice what comes into view. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Father's Day

Fledgling Blue Jay, June 2022


Who watches me when
squirrels and hawks and cats come near?
I will, little one

* While on a call with my Dad, I spotted a young blue jay hopping in the street and up on my son's truck. He rested for several minutes before making the short flight to a low branch on his "home" tree. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

A Summer Morning

Gulf Fritillary Butterfly on Milkweed, June 2022

 The world welcomes us
through the beautiful door of 
a summer morning

Friday, June 17, 2022

A merry chaos

Esperanza (or Yellow Elder), June 2022

A merry chaos
of midsummer gold and green
dancing together

Thursday, June 16, 2022


Desert Willow, June 2022
UT Dallas, Texas


Notice and nurture
the quiet growing of love
in your heart of hearts

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Goodness along the way

Horseweed, June 2022

Let me celebrate
the goodness along the way
and offer deep thanks

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Ordinary Time

Texas Star Hibiscus, June 2022


Ordinary Time
for slowing and savoring 
summer's bright delights

* After Pentecost, we turn the liturgical calendar's page to Ordinary Time. Click here for a reflection

Monday, June 13, 2022


Checkered Skipper, June 2022

The smallest things tap
our capacity to stay
in joyful presence 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Walk with Me

Walk with me

in the fullness of summer

where Sabbath delight

is all around.

 June 2022

Saturday, June 11, 2022

This time

Clematis, June 2022

The sprinkler is on
feel the coolness on your skin
don't hurry this time

Friday, June 10, 2022

Rock Rose

Rock Rose, June 2022

I was on a short hike just outside of Pagosa Springs, Colorado some years ago and rock roses grew wild along the trail. Their bright pink stood out against a background of greens and browns. Back home, I strolled through a local garden center and came upon a very dry and wilted rock rose at the end of the summer and brought it home where it has been happy on the back porch. I love when it blooms and I'm reminded of my time in beautiful Colorado. Many of the plants in my garden remind me of people and places I hold close to my heart. 


Thursday, June 9, 2022


Sombrero Salsa Red Cone Flowers, June 2022

 Imagine if love
moved easily from the heart
evident to all

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

For the finding

American Lady Butterfly, June 2022

Concealed in green grass
a burnished gift waits for you
there for the finding