Friday, March 17, 2023


Tulip Tree, March 2023


In all honesty,
this one is a late bloomer
and oh, worth the wait

Thursday, March 16, 2023


Monarch Caterpillars on Giant Milkweed, March 2023

Lean in for a look,
learn from the caterpillars - 
eat when you're hungry

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The forces of spring

Backyard Iris, March 2023

The forces of spring
act on our behalf, bringing
us into full bloom

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Even Butterflies

Red Admiral Butterfly, March 2023

Even butterflies
gaze through springtime windows where
a new world is framed

Red Admiral close-up, March 2023

Monday, March 13, 2023

Burning Bush

Azaleas, March 2023

I've now forgotten
 errands that seemed important 
an hour ago

John Knox Presbyterian Church
 Houston, Texas

 *It's true. on a recent drive with a list of errands in hand, we pulled the car over to admire this flaming azalea at a church in our neighborhood. What dazzling beauty!

Sunday, March 12, 2023


Budding Iris, March 2023

Be encouraged, for
the blessings of springtime are
unfurling within

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Thank You

Sunset, March 2023

My heart stretches wide
each step I whisper "thank you"
 under the spring sky

Friday, March 10, 2023

Feasting and Fasting

Monarch Caterpillars on Milkweed, March 2023

My Very Hungry Caterpillar, March 2023

Monarch Caterpillars, March 2023

Feasting and fasting,
both are part of making a
real transformation

* A monarch caterpillar will grow to 3,000 times the size it was after it first hatched from its egg. The caterpillar stage lasts 10-14 days; during this time it will molt 5 times. While it is molting, the caterpillar will crawl away from the milkweed and stop eating for a short time.  Learn more here about the Monarch Bottlefly life cycle.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Where morning light falls

Dahlia, March 2023

Breathe in a new day 
delight in the fresh blooming