Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Fuchsia Bougainvillea, October 2023

On this silver day
a crowded fuchsia bower
charms me with her song

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Lilac Tumble

Morning Glories, October 2023


Cascading glory,
a lilac tumble befriends
the well rooted oak

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Planting in Faith

Red Spider Lilies, October 2023


Let me plant in faith
even when I've no idea
about the harvest

* I've had an affection for the red spider lily (sometimes called hurricane lilies) for many years. I first saw them in East Texas on youth retreats in the fall. I would slip away in the afternoons with my camera and roam the path around the lake to find them. Since then, I've planted a few at home and they always brighten up the garden after a long, hot summer.