Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Variegated Fritillary, November 2023

Our wide sweeping world
keeps drawing us in, drawing
us ever closer

(and out again)

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Autumn Blue

Spiderwort, November 2023


Not in your greenhouse
not in my ceramic pot 
Autumn blue in bloom

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Sunrise Reflected, November 2023

Only make the turn
and catch the sun rising in
the place where you live

* I was in the backyard early to feed the birds and take photos of a dazzling sunrise. When I turned to go back in the house, I caught the reflection framed by the bedroom window and the bright blue sky above. 


Thursday, November 2, 2023


Mockingbirds, November 2023


Faithfully guarding
a nearby nest of young ones
just learning to fly

* It's not really the season for young mockingbirds to be leaving the nest and learning to fly, but as the parent of young adults, it's what this season feels like. How I love to see them fly.