Tuesday, November 3, 2020

An Autumn Pantoum


Dove's Feather, November 2020

    Light shines under the door of night. I tie the apron around my waist
    Outside, the garden stirs and sings, blooms and fades
    I scatter seed for the birds waiting in the tall pines
    Ever giving and receiving, my pockets are filled up and emptied out all day long

    Outside, the garden stirs and sings, blooms and fades

    I gather what is given this day. Harvesting life and light

    Ever giving and receiving, my pockets are filled up and emptied out all day long

    Evening comes. I step out on the porch to see the moon

    I gather what is given this day. Harvesting life and light
    I scatter seed for the birds waiting in the tall pines
    Evening comes. I step out on the porch to see the moon
    Light shines under the door of night. I untie the apron from around my waist

* Experimenting with the French Pantoum poetry style. Six lines of poetry are repeated in a given pattern, creating a certain effect. For more about writing a Pantoum, click here.