Saturday, February 13, 2021

Lord, Open the Doors

Preparing for a Freeze, February 2021

Lord, open the doors
to safety and warmth for all
who are cold outside

* I brought several plants in from the cold yesterday. This morning I was reading Mark 8 and the way Jesus feels compassion for the hungry crowd. As I looked across the room at all the plants I brought in, I thought of all the people who are cold and desperate for shelter - and felt compassion. 

According to the Search Homeless Project, on any given day, approximately 3,400 individuals in Houston experience the trauma of homelessness. Here is my prayer: Lord, we intercede for those that do not have shelter of their own. Lord, bless them with protection from the elements, bless them to have sufficiency of food and clothing, bless them with joy and peace of mind. (from Room at the Inn Shelter in Bridgeland, Missouri)