Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Zigzag Plant, November 2021

Late in the season
a burst of new growth arrives
on November's porch


Monday, November 29, 2021


Bur Oak Acorns, November 2021

 The promise of trees
begins in a humble way
with what has fallen

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Encircling Prayer

Watercolor, November 2021

         A circle of healing for the one who suffers.

        A circle of patience for the one who waits.

        A circle of hope for the one afraid to hope.

        A circle of friendship for the one who feels alone.

        A circle of rest for the weary.

        A circle of wisdom for the searching.

        A circle of peace for the anxious.

        A circle of joy for the listless.

        A circle of abundance for the one who feels empty.

        A circle of belonging for the one who feels excluded.

        A circle of sobriety for the one in addiction.

        A circle of wholeness for the one who is fragmented.

                Praise, praise to the One who traces circles.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Silhouette of Devotion

 Our Lady, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico

Take Him in your arms
open your heart to heaven
join the Advent song

Friday, November 26, 2021

With You

Afternoon Walk, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico


May I cross the bridge
into wonder and beauty
with you by my side

Thursday, November 25, 2021

At the Thanksgiving Table

Vintage Postcard, November 2021

 At the Thanksgiving Table ...
    My wedding china.
    My grandmother's glass water pitcher.
    Another grandmother's cloth napkins.
    And another grandmother's vase.
    A great grandmother's turkey platter. 
    Wine glasses from my mother's friend.
    Recipes passed along by friends, mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers.
    More than a hundred years of Thanksgiving represented at our table.
    And today we added our own. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Each Day

Crystal Inkwell, November 2021

Write something each day
of how you were loved and how
you loved in return

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Tree Stump, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico


May love fill every corner of my heart. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Walk with Me

Walk with me

where the sky is bluest blue

and leaves spark and glow

pausing for spikes of purple 


Sunday, November 21, 2021


Newly Eclosed Monarch, November 2021

A burnished beauty
the proof of resurrection
in her stained glass wings

Saturday, November 20, 2021


Brenham Sunset

November 2021

Today a beautiful sunset graced Brenham, Texas on our drive home. I loved watching it from the truck window and seeing the colors grow and fade right before my eyes. How I would love to have a porch with this view. I would sit until the stars came out. 


Friday, November 19, 2021

The Light that Shines

Pecos Light, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico

I've longed for this light
that shines in the darkness and
is not overcome

 * This is the skylight in my room at the Abbey in Pecos. In the daytime, light floods the room from above. At night, I can see the stars. It's one of my favorite things about the monastery.  

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Advent blooms early

A Neighbor's Hibiscus, November 2021


Let me get the gate,
Advent blooms early inside
the fence of my heart

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

True Friends

Beeblossom, November 2021

True friends walk with me
this November afternoon
I pause and give thanks

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

This Girl

Nala, November 2021

This girl has more love
in her soft and steady gaze 
than my heart can hold

Monday, November 15, 2021

Until Love

Climbing vine on Firespike, November 2021

Some days begin with
slow clinging melancholy 
until love arrives

Sunday, November 14, 2021


Family of Saints, November 2021
The Anchor House, Houston


Anchor yourself here
in the glow of family
find your belonging

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Friday, November 12, 2021


Butterfly Vine, November 2021

November morning
petals washed in pearly dew
white wing doves speak peace

Thursday, November 11, 2021


Votive Altar, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico


O Lord hear my prayer
and then speak it back to me
so I too might hear

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Until Next Summer

Fallen Hibiscus, November 2021

 Back porch tropicals
drop flowers as if to say
their autumn farewell

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Sunrise, November 2021

Today began with a shock of red pink streaked across the sky. A true blaze of beauty and light. 
It's a wonder that ordinary days can begin like this. As Eugene Peterson says, "pure gift, all grace." 

I woke up my son to come see it. We stood on the back porch watching until it faded into the soft blue of day. It was good to share that quiet moment together before the busyness of the day. Pure gift, all grace. 

Monday, November 8, 2021


Cedar Tree, November 2021
Benedictine Abby in Pecos, New Mexico


O autumn bluebirds
your feasting tree is laden
promise to come soon

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Rooted and Reaching

Sandy's Trees, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico

Rooted and reaching
they spoke to her - and became
beautiful to me

* On an afternoon walk, my friend Sandy stopped to spend time with these towering and beautiful trees. Her wonder was a gift - her noticing helped me to notice too. 


Saturday, November 6, 2021

Other Windows

Pecos at Night, November 2021
Benedictine Abby in Pecos, New Mexico


The dark path is lit
by light from other windows
glowing and golden

Thursday, November 4, 2021

What Collects


Pecos River, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos New Mexico

Thoughts and dreams collect
around the edges of prayer
wanting to be seen

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Pecos Reflections: Obedience

Benedict, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico


Up the stairs we go, where Benedict's gaze reminds us of the vows taken by the community. I consider how the three vows find expression in my own life. The vow of obedience is a call to surrender and submit to an authority greater than my own. Obedience is laying down the idea that I know what's best and ceasing my efforts to arrange for life to go my way. Living into the vow of obedience reveals how often I try to exert control and conjure potential solutions and improvements over the smallest circumstances in an effort to keep the feeling of being in charge. 

What does Obedience really look like? I volunteer at a local food pantry. Sometimes I look around and see how a small adjustment might the pantry more efficient for our guests. I may even ruminate over it for the whole day. If I wanted to, I could talk to other volunteers to get their opinion and possibly make the change happen. Except - I am not in charge. I am under the authority of the director, who is a good director. While I can offer suggestions, the director sees the whole perspective and determines what is best. And my efforts to improve and control can be damaging and bothersome, even when I think I'm being helpful. A posture of Obedience reminds me of my place and knowing my place frees me to serve our guests with a gracious presence. 

This is small scale Obedience - and small scale is a good teacher. If I can learn to relinquish control when it comes to arranging the shelves at the food pantry, something in me can live with greater trust when life calls for it - and life is calling for it.