Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A Birthday Blessing (for Beverly)

Dining Room Still Life, December 29, 2021

    May this year bring new experiences of joy.

    May you savor the companionship of true friends.

    May you delight in the plants and flowers that flourish in your care.

    May you feel strong in body, heart, mind & soul.

    May the love you give be returned to you in ways you could not see coming.

    May your faith continue to reveal more and more of your heart's true path.

    May you pass hours in turning the pages of splendid reads.

    May you befriend birds and butterflies who find their way to your garden.

    May you close your eyes and listen deeply to music you love.

    May you find yourself counting the blessings of every day.

*The painting is by my son Riley and the calendar art is Elizabeth Heuer's "Orange". The blessing is for my mother, Beverly.


Tuesday, December 28, 2021


A Neighbor's Wreath, December 2021

Grateful for the ones
who bring unexpected cheer
to overcast days

Monday, December 27, 2021


Ladybug on Angel Trumpet, December 2021

Moving quietly,
she marks a path of her own
into the new day

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Holding Holiness

 "Mary Kept These Things and Pondered Them in her Heart"
by Sarah Richards Samuelson

Her eyes speak blessing,
knowing she holds holiness
to her mother's heart


Friday, December 24, 2021


Angel on the Tree, December 2021

Oh faithful angel
you light the path for us in
ways we'll never know

Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Whole Day

December Sunrise, 2021

A rising rose pink
billowing and glorious
blesses the whole day

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Before & After

                                       12:50 p.m.                                                      12:54 p.m.

Welcome to what's next,
the making of miracles
right before your eyes


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Longest Night

Christmas Cactus, December 2021

On the longest night
summer's forgotten cactus
bursts open with light

*My Christmas cactus spent the summer in a shady corner, mostly neglected. A few weeks ago, I saw tiny buds forming and brought it into the house. Now, they have all burst into beautiful blooms for the winter solstice. 

Monday, December 20, 2021

If She Can Fly...

Giant Swallowtail, December 2021

If She Can Fly, December 2021

It's rare to see a swallowtail in my backyard in December - but I caught her movement across the yard. It wasn't until I saw her through the lens that I noticed how tattered her wings are. She flew with the same speed and agility as any swallowtail I've seen float through the backyard. Who knows what she escaped or endured. The first words I whispered to myself, "If she can fly, so can I." And so can you...May it be so. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Advent Invitations

Advent Collage, created November 2021

At the beginning of Advent, I pieced together this collage and it has served as a touchpoint throughout the season. Here are some questions it has stirred in me:

  • What adventure beckons? Where is life taking flight?
  • When have I recently experienced the beautiful and mysterious?
  • Who are my companions? What is the field we share? What are we planting? What are we harvesting?
  • How have I been part of  "thy kingdom come"? How has it looked differently than I might have imagined?
  • What treasure have I collected and contained in my heart over these weeks of Advent? 
  • Complete this sentence, "God crowns the year with _________________.


Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Prayer for Joy

Bougainvillea, December 2021

 Lord, direct my gaze
so I might see where your joy
has come into bloom

Friday, December 17, 2021

Go On

Full moon, December 2021

Go on, build your fence
the shining moon still rises
to waltz with the clouds

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Evening Drive

House from the car window, December 2021


On an evening drive, 
have you ever seen a place
that you could call home?

* I was driving home from a Christmas party just outside College Station. When I passed this house, something about it felt warm and charming. I thought, I could be happy there. So I rolled down the car window and took a quick photo. It's interesting to consider other places we might call home. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Christmas Cactus, December 2021

 It won't be long now,
translucent blooms are bursting
with tidings of joy

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

How They Shine

How beautiful the strands

that connect us

and how they shine

in the light.

Spider's Web on Water Oak, December 2021


Monday, December 13, 2021

From the Book Shelf

Beyond Loneliness by Trevor Hudson

 Favorite Quotes from Beyond Loneliness: The Gift of God's Friendship

  • “When we enter into the Divine Friendship, we are drawn into God’s greater dream for the healing of our lonely and broken world.” p. 19

  • “Keeping our loneliness to ourselves shuts the doors of our hearts to the possible care and concern of others...We may also harden our own hearts to the loneliness of others.” p. 29

  • “Jesus invites us into a divine intimacy in which we daily live in him and he lives in us.” p. 40

  • “As we grow and mature and abide in Jesus, we will also find it necessary to remain in a community that celebrates him as Lord and friend.” p. 41

  • “He alone, through his companionship with us, can reproduce his kind of love in us.”

            p. 50

  • If we want to deepen our prayer lives, we must create a space to be with God. p. 55

  • “Polite prayer poisons our relationship with God.” p. 60

  • “...we can recognize our daily work as the primary opportunity to partner with God in making God's dream for this world a reality.” p. 68

  • “Is God asking us to use our suffering to bring healing and blessing to those around us?” p. 71

  • “He wants us to move beyond dutiful obedience into the world of loving initiative.” p. 85 

  • “...when God leads and guides us, we sense a profound sense of peace about the decision we are making.” p. 90

  • “Imagine the freedom we would have if we could live beyond fear..." p. 101

  • “The God who wants to be friends with us, the God we meet in Jesus Christ, does not cause suffering.” p. 105

  • “Our Divine Friend shares our suffering intimately, enters our grief, and weeps with us.” p. 109

  • “Something goes painfully wrong when the cycle of God’s blessing stops with us.” p. 113

  • Make tomorrow a "blessing day." Ask God early in the day to fill your heart with God's love for all you meet. p. 120

Saturday, December 11, 2021


Morning Reading, December 2021

 May praise fill every corner of my heart.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Stone on Stone

Ebenezer, November 2021
Benedictine Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico


Prayers stack, stone on stone
each holding up the other
in silence and strength

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Pray to be Wild

Wild Turk's Cap, December 2021

Pray to be wild
able to root whenever
wherever you please

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Seeing and Seeking

Little Yellow Sulphur, December 2021


In the evening hour,
dusk invites a new kind of
seeing and seeking

Monday, December 6, 2021


Gulf Fritillary on Pink Turk's Cap, December 2021
Photo by Riley Anderson


Dizzy and dazzled
December's fresh beauty brings
unexpected gifts

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Get close

Shrimp Plant, December 2021

Get close to the ground
kneel in the grass if you must-
don't miss what's blooming

Saturday, December 4, 2021

December Days

Christmas Cactus, December 2021

Tiny hopes appear 
along the quiet edges
of December days

Friday, December 3, 2021


Datura, December 2021

The angel's trumpet
resounds through December to
bring exquisite news


Thursday, December 2, 2021


Canna Lilies at the Window, December 2021

Glance outside and see 
 Something bright and promising
is looking for you