Monday, December 13, 2021

From the Book Shelf

Beyond Loneliness by Trevor Hudson

 Favorite Quotes from Beyond Loneliness: The Gift of God's Friendship

  • “When we enter into the Divine Friendship, we are drawn into God’s greater dream for the healing of our lonely and broken world.” p. 19

  • “Keeping our loneliness to ourselves shuts the doors of our hearts to the possible care and concern of others...We may also harden our own hearts to the loneliness of others.” p. 29

  • “Jesus invites us into a divine intimacy in which we daily live in him and he lives in us.” p. 40

  • “As we grow and mature and abide in Jesus, we will also find it necessary to remain in a community that celebrates him as Lord and friend.” p. 41

  • “He alone, through his companionship with us, can reproduce his kind of love in us.”

            p. 50

  • If we want to deepen our prayer lives, we must create a space to be with God. p. 55

  • “Polite prayer poisons our relationship with God.” p. 60

  • “...we can recognize our daily work as the primary opportunity to partner with God in making God's dream for this world a reality.” p. 68

  • “Is God asking us to use our suffering to bring healing and blessing to those around us?” p. 71

  • “He wants us to move beyond dutiful obedience into the world of loving initiative.” p. 85 

  • “...when God leads and guides us, we sense a profound sense of peace about the decision we are making.” p. 90

  • “Imagine the freedom we would have if we could live beyond fear..." p. 101

  • “The God who wants to be friends with us, the God we meet in Jesus Christ, does not cause suffering.” p. 105

  • “Our Divine Friend shares our suffering intimately, enters our grief, and weeps with us.” p. 109

  • “Something goes painfully wrong when the cycle of God’s blessing stops with us.” p. 113

  • Make tomorrow a "blessing day." Ask God early in the day to fill your heart with God's love for all you meet. p. 120