Keys, January 2022
A pile of old keys from a family member's home has found a brief resting spot on our back porch. I can't help but consider all the doors that were opened because of these keys. Doors that are forgotten or lost - but at the right time, these keys granted access into all sorts of places.
As they say, "old keys won't open new doors."
I consider all the the keys that have passed through my hands over the years - into post boxes, houses, offices, apartments, cars, diaries...The keys that were my own and those that were entrusted to me by family and neighbors and employers.
There are keys of other kinds too. Keys that open doors of understanding, healing, healthy relationships and possibility. Those can be hard to come by - hard to find, earn and keep.
What keys do I hold now? What keys am I hoping to find or forge? What new doors stand before me?