Around the Bend by Padraig McCall
This post is part of an on-going Lenten series that began Ash Wednesday.
Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side,
while he dismissed the crowds.
And after had had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray.
When evening came, he was there alone," (Matthew 14:22-23)
"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." (Matthew 9:36)
As spring arrives, I find myself spending more and more time outside - and less time giving attention to the "inner crowd." I started this series as a focus for Lent - to see if I could name some of the faces that are part of my interior world. The aspects of myself I would like to dismiss and the aspects that Jesus meets with compassion.
Today I name the part of me that looks "around the bend" to see what's next. I want to know where life is leading and I want to skip over today and see it now. That aspect keeps me leaning towards an unknown future, guessing, speculating, and planning - and I miss today. I miss the ways that God is present in this moment, in this day.
In Padraig McCall's painting, I am reminded that life bends like the road - into an unknown destination that will be revealed at the right time and not a minute before. I feel invited to take in the view from here and appreciate the beauty and life of "here" and "now."
Today's vista & prayer:- In what ways are you tempted to look "around the bend"?
- How does Padraig McCall's painting speak to you?
- We pray: Jesus, long ago you dismissed the crowd to be alone with God. On another occasion you saw the crowd and were moved with compassion. There is in me the desire to look ahead, even to skip ahead. By your grace I will plant my feet and my heart in the present moment - where you meet me with compassion. Amen.