Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Ash Wednesday

Dispersing the Crowd by Khalid Hourani (2019)

"Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, 
while he dismissed the crowds. 

And after had had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. 
When evening came, he was there alone," (Matthew 14:22-23)

Before Jesus could go to the mountain and pray, he dismissed the crowds. Sent them on their way. 
I have visited and re-visited these few verses over the last few weeks. Tonight, they are leading me into the season of Lent. 

As I make plans to expand and deepen times of prayer and reflection over the next 40 days, I see a crowd has gathered. In some ways the crowd is made up of all the things in the exterior world that call out for attention. In other ways, the crowd is not only in the outer world, but causing a ruckus in the inner world of heart and soul. 

I sense an invitation to name the faces in the crowd. Who do I meet in the silence when I go into times of prayer? And what might happen if I am honest about the crowd who accompanies me even as I seek to be in God's presence alone?

In sitting with the "Dispersing the Crowd" by Khalid Hourani, I've found a vibrant image that reflects the inner crowd as well as his expression of a literal crowd of protestors. I share it with you for your own seeing and reflection. I was reminded in a small group last week, that we each experience art in our own ways and something different will stand out for each viewer. 

Today's vista & prayer:
  • How will you walk with Jesus these Lenten days?
  • Are you aware of an "inner crowd" who seems to accompany you into silence and prayer?
  • How does Hourani's painting speak to you?
  • We pray: Jesus, long ago you dismissed the crowd to be alone with God. When evening comes, dismiss the crowd once again so I might find rest and companionship in your presence. Amen.