Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Sunlight and Shadow, May 2022

Together we walk
 in patterns created by
sunlight and shadow

There was a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas today.  We are miles and miles from Uvalde, and yet, we share a commonality with the community of Uvalde - we are human; we are people. We are walking through this life together - whether we recognize it or not.  We are not untouched by the tragedy- we can turn off the news, we can give our attention to something else, but our hearts know. Each child was someone's son, daughter, sibling, grandchild, cousin, or friend - each child is beloved. Last night on my evening walk, I stepped through the intricate patterns created by the fading light shining though the trees above. Our lives seem to be marked with these patterns - cast by the light that shines and the darkness that will not overcome it.