Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Dear lily

Rain Lily, June 2023


Dear lily, are you
folding or unfolding in
the summer shower?

Saturday, June 24, 2023



Tawny Emperor, June 2023
College Station, Texas

We could have kept sorting laundry
     and folded towels straight out of the dryer

Instead we played cards at the kitchen table
    without keeping score

We could have kept stacking old papers
    and stirring up dust

Instead we drove to the cafe for sandwiches
    and rose mint matcha 

We could have revisited old arguments
    and the way things go wrong sometimes

Instead we stepped out on the back porch
     led into wonder by golden butterflies 

* I spent the day with my daughter Karly, and the poem is my reflection of our time together. Always grateful for time with my girl. We spotted a kaleidoscope of Tawny Emperor butterflies just off the back porch. 


Friday, June 23, 2023


Eastern Black Swallowtail, June 2023

Listen to your thirst
follow a sun-ripened scent 
wherever it leads

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Every detail

Maypop Passion Flower, June 2023


Every detail of 
your divine intricacy
summons bright wonder 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Breaking open

Trumpet Vine, June 2023

The day my heart breaks
may it break open by love,
let it be today

The day my mind breaks
may it break open for love,
let it be today

The day my will breaks
may it break open in love,
let it be today

The day my strength breaks
may it break open to love,
let it be today

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Pink Purslane, June 2023


I stop to admire
a posy on the back porch
opening to the sun

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Practice noticing

Ladybug on Bengal Clock Vine, June 2023


Step onto the porch
with your coffee cup in hand
- practice noticing

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Summer's kitchen

Basil from the garden, June 2023


Gather fresh basil
let the spicy aroma 
fill summer's kitchen

Sunday, June 11, 2023


Carpenter Bee on Thistle, June 2023

Industrious bee
you teach me to seek and find
flying, unafraid

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Your Italy

Maurice Prendergast's Monte Pincio, Rome

                    I want to see your Italy 
                    where water washed colors
                    make me feel at home
                    in another country

                    Let me hear the swish of skirts
                    as ladies stroll across
                    cobbled streets on their way
                    to where ladies go on rainy afternoons

                    The carriages roll and people go
                    but the woman in the white dress waits
                    did she know she was the center
                    of your Italy?

                    You render graceful golden trees
                    and I wonder if there's
                    an umbrella for me
                    in your Italy.

*The poem is a reflection on Maurice Prendergast's Monte Pincio, Rome, ca. 1898–99. It was part of the "Prendergast in Italy" exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston in 2010. I was especially drawn to the woman in white at the railing who seems to be looking directly at the artist - and the viewer. She appears to be the still point amidst all of the activity around her. 

Friday, June 9, 2023

It's true

Gulf Coast Toad, June 2023


Sing after the storm
the back porch is yours tonight 
we both know it's true

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Enchanted Evening, June 2023


Grateful for the day
the soft pastels of evening
fill my quiet heart

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Dawn Dances by Ann McCarty


May you be swept up
in the festive music of
your authentic life

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Snail on the back porch, June 2023

Welcome summer rain
may my spirit find lasting
refreshment in you

Monday, June 5, 2023

Summer Joy

Summer joy resounds

in every summer shower

and each full moon bloom

* One of my favorite things is to walk outside in the morning and see that something has bloomed for the first time this season. Pictured above is my first white angel trumpet. It bloomed during the full moon and fills the corner of the backyard with a wonderful fragrance. 


Sunday, June 4, 2023


Backyard Views, June 2023


The flowers whisper,
"If you are lonely, come near -
and stay awhile"

Saturday, June 3, 2023



Dragonfly on Society Garlic, June 2023

Early in the day
the sound of your wings tells me
delight has come near

Friday, June 2, 2023

The house where you live

House with Pink Sky, June 2023
by Riley Anderson


The house where you live
is a home for your wondrous
and flourishing soul

*The artwork is a painting by my son, Riley. We recently visited the Impressionist exhibit at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

The smallest things

Unidentified Wildflower, June 2023


It's the smallest things
that cause us to bend low and
take a closer look