Saturday, June 10, 2023

Your Italy

Maurice Prendergast's Monte Pincio, Rome

                    I want to see your Italy 
                    where water washed colors
                    make me feel at home
                    in another country

                    Let me hear the swish of skirts
                    as ladies stroll across
                    cobbled streets on their way
                    to where ladies go on rainy afternoons

                    The carriages roll and people go
                    but the woman in the white dress waits
                    did she know she was the center
                    of your Italy?

                    You render graceful golden trees
                    and I wonder if there's
                    an umbrella for me
                    in your Italy.

*The poem is a reflection on Maurice Prendergast's Monte Pincio, Rome, ca. 1898–99. It was part of the "Prendergast in Italy" exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston in 2010. I was especially drawn to the woman in white at the railing who seems to be looking directly at the artist - and the viewer. She appears to be the still point amidst all of the activity around her.