Monday, August 5, 2024

The Wisdom of Redwoods: Reflections from a Silent Retreat

Watercolor Trees, August 2024

                     Oh Lord, 
                    You are the dreaming tree
                          I have fixed my hopes 
                          and prayers to branches 
                          who shelter birds 
                          and barefoot children

                    You are the scent of 
                        magnolia and orange
                        You are the taste of crushed mulberries
                        that tell my mother 
                        where I've been

                    You are bright 
                        with the yellow 
                        of paloverde and huisache 
                        the pink of rosebud, 
                        tulip and rain tree

                    You are fixed with a rope swing
                        we dare each other to climb 
                        and catch hold
                        taking a freefall of delight 
                        under your blessed canopy

* Last Saturday, I attended a silent retreat gathered around the redwoods and trees as images for the spiritual journey. I recalled particular trees that had been part of my childhood, especially at my home and the homes of my grandparents. The prayer poem comes out of my reflections.