Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sabbath Blessing


Gathered, February 2021

Everything you need
to nourish body and soul
is within your reach

Saturday, February 27, 2021

After All

Watercolor, February 2021
Sing a New Soul Song! The Gathered Community Retreat


I will not forget
what was kindled in my soul
from the beginning

Friday, February 26, 2021


Shadow play, February 2021
Magnolia, Texas

Hello shadow self,
now I am remembering
how you love to play

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Thank you

The Hobby Horse, February 2021
Magnolia, Texas

Thank you Lord, for the things that have carried us this far.

Thank you Lord, for the thrill of adventure that came at the right time and shaped our becoming.

Thank you Lord, for helping us see what we have outgrown.

Thank you Lord, for this present day that opens before us.

Thank you Lord, that the adventure continues.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Tree and Me

Pine, February 2021
Magnolia, Texas


We've both taken vows
setting roots in this place, our 
testament of love

* I am calling to mind the vow of stability taken by those in a Benedictine Monastery - the vow to stay for the long haul. To give yourself to a particular place and community. I admire this towering pine tree and I can only guess how old it is. I think of my connection to certain places over the years and the vows I've made in marriage and how they add up to a testament of love over time. I like to imagine that the tree and I share those vows of stability in some way. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Silver Meets Sunlight

Tree Lichen, February 2021
Magnolia, January 2021

Silver meets sunlight
oysters from another sea
effortless and free

Monday, February 22, 2021

The Blue Sky Returns

Afternoon Walk, February 2021
Magnolia, Texas


Who would you most like to meet here?

Sunday, February 21, 2021

First Sunday of Lent

Through the Window, February 2021
Magnolia, Texas

Allow yourself to 
be drawn into the wild
and walk with Jesus

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Gathering Dust

Jewelry, February 2021

One of these days, I'll
 take them from the dusty hook
where they wink and wait

* I passed by my jewelry holder, where so many of my favorite pieces haven't been worn over the last year. COVID has made gatherings with others few and far between. Sometimes I'm afraid there are aspects of my life or myself that are gathering dust. And then I remember that while some things gather dust, space is opened up for other aspects of life or myself to grow into something new. Lent is the season for this kind of reflection. I'm grateful for these days. What seems to be gathering dust? Where am I experiencing new growth?


Friday, February 19, 2021

Hummingbird in Winter

Hummingbird in Winter, February 2021
Outside Temperature: 34 degrees

Winter companion
what a mighty heart you have
and what joy you bring

I was putting out birdseed for the regular visitors when a hummingbird buzzed by. The feeder was almost empty and frozen. I brought in the feeder and made fresh nectar. It froze overnight, so I thawed it for a few minutes with the hair dyer - and here's my new pal. I don't know where she is keeping warm, but it makes me so happy to see her at the feeder.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Beginning of Lent

Crossing the Bridge, February 2021


            How will I journey with Jesus for the next 40 days?
            Will I set my heart towards the Lenten journey?

            Will I set my feet on a path with few guarantees and certainties?

            Will I discover the rails that lend structure and support?

            Will I reach the end of what is seen and cross the threshold?

            Will I confess when I try to find an easier way?

            Will I enter the mystery of faith?

                        Christ had died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.

* The last line is from the United Methodist Communion liturgy. The winter storm continues in Houston and most of Texas. Power has been restored for now, and we still wait for water. 


Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Great Grandmother's Crazy Quilt


There is a comfort
that none of us can purchase
it must be given

* Day three of intermittent power and not even a trickle of water is coming out of the faucets. Grateful for a gas stove to make coffee and pasta. There is no comfort in the world like my great grandmother's quilt with cotton batting. The weight of it holds in warmth all night. Stitched with lasting love.   

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Weather Outside is Frightful

Candles, February 2021

Candles light the way
casting a golden spell on
this snow filled morning

* We are in the middle of a winter storm in Houston, Texas. Power was out for over a day - and the city is blanketed in snow and ice. Grateful for friends who check in and the shelter of home. I'm staying occupied with a puzzle, watching the birds, sitting by the fire, reading, and comfort cooking.  

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Lord, Open the Doors

Preparing for a Freeze, February 2021

Lord, open the doors
to safety and warmth for all
who are cold outside

* I brought several plants in from the cold yesterday. This morning I was reading Mark 8 and the way Jesus feels compassion for the hungry crowd. As I looked across the room at all the plants I brought in, I thought of all the people who are cold and desperate for shelter - and felt compassion. 

According to the Search Homeless Project, on any given day, approximately 3,400 individuals in Houston experience the trauma of homelessness. Here is my prayer: Lord, we intercede for those that do not have shelter of their own. Lord, bless them with protection from the elements, bless them to have sufficiency of food and clothing, bless them with joy and peace of mind. (from Room at the Inn Shelter in Bridgeland, Missouri)

Friday, February 12, 2021

A New Day

Sempervivum Tectorum Succulent, February 2021
(I looked it up)

Bring your open heart
this February morning
welcome a new day

Thursday, February 11, 2021


Cardinal, February 2021

Over the rooftops
a whole hearted praise rings out
across the distance

* I heard the cardinal's song from the kitchen and was surprised that he didn't fly away when I stepped out on the back porch. I would like to think the birds have become familiar with my morning routine of putting out seed and the dog's circuit through the backyard to chase squirrels. I'm sure the whole neighborhood could hear his song - so full and clear in the early morning. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Life Within

Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker, February 2021

Moving by instinct
step, tap, listen, tap again
search for life within

* I can see this tree from the dining room window. Early yesterday there was a crowd of robins on the grass. I looked up to catch this woodpecker coming in with an impressive dive to chase them away. For several minutes the woodpecker stepped carefully around the tree, inspecting it, tapping and listening.  If it weren't for the red feathered cap, she would blend in perfectly with the bark. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Morning Prayer

Collage, 2021

                        Lord, may I follow the lilt your song.

                                Lord, you have cleared my once-crowded heart.

                                Lord, you bring all the pieces of my life into wholeness.  

                                Lord, you grant me courage to cross into new territory.

                                Lord. you lead me to places of refreshment.

                                Lord, you set the pattern of my days. 

*Artists and art: Playing a Tune by Karl Witkowsi, Ostersteen by Georg Schrimph, Little Walter's Toys by August Macke, The Blue Pool by William Victor Higgins, and Ottoman Turkish Izznik Dish


Monday, February 8, 2021


Rose, February 2021

 You are still a rose
no matter what they've told you
yes, you are a rose

Sunday, February 7, 2021



Silver Sage, February 2021

It happens each day
moments appear like manna
 to hold in your heart

Saturday, February 6, 2021


Budding Sycamore, February 2021


Search the clear blue sky 
see the bower of goodness
reaching over you

Friday, February 5, 2021


Robins, February 2021

Robins have arrived
curious and ravenous
spring waits in the wings


Thursday, February 4, 2021

So We Might Welcome

Ball Moss, February 2021

Let this morning be
unrushed, so we might welcome
simple gifts of grace

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Inside of a Conch Shell, February 2021

The turning of love
carves a pattern leading in
and back out again

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

In Due Time

Curled Leaf, February 2021


                                                                 In due time, true friends
reveal etched connections and
intricate beauty

* I am blessed with soul friends - as the years have passed, we have known each other through many seasons of life. Long conversations cover a lot of territory. In reflection, we have each shown more of our "underside" - more of the fullness of who we are. And still, not everything. The longer I know my friends, the more beautiful they become. It takes time and courage to know and be known by another person. Give thanks for your soul friends - and your own intricate beauty.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Lessons from a Neighbor's Cat

A Neighbor's Cat, January 2021

Said the sunning cat, 
"Pure delight to lounge and laze.
Let me show you how."